Online Software
Visit the Maccaferri eDesign software platform. Design online from anywhere. No download is required.
- Mac S-Design: make your slope safer
- MacTube Design: protect your coast
- MacBars Design: stabilize your embankment
- MACRA Design: design of river hydraulic works
- REQUALIFE: designing watercourses for a sustainable future
Downloadable Design Software
Discover our downloadable design software:
- MACFLOW Studio: design of effective drainage solutions
- MACREAD AASHTO: design of flexible pavement layers
- MACREAD Studio: design of road subgrade stabilisation solutions
- MACRO Studio: design of rockfall netting protection solutions on rock slopes
- MacStars 4.0: design reinforced soil slopes, walls and complex hybrid structures
- GAWAC: design of gabion retaining walls